New York State boasts a rich history and a proud legacy of courageous women who have blazed trails in the fight for equal rights. As a society, we have made incredible strides in the fight for equality–but unfortunately, we are facing unprecedented attacks that threaten to roll back the important progress we have made. The Supreme Court’s devastating ruling to overturn Roe v Wade is an assault on women’s rights that turns back the clock to a dark period in our nation’s history where women no longer have control of their own bodies. Joe stands firmly against the Republican agenda to criminalize women’s health freedom and will always stand up for the rights all women deserve.
In Congress, Joe has established himself as a strong ally in the fight to defend women’s healthcare freedom, to enshrine women’s equality in our nation’s Constitution, to bolster resources and protections for survivors of domestic violence, and to secure pay equality for women in the workplace.
In Congress, Joe has co-sponsored the following legislation:
HR 4121, Right to Contraception Act
Sets out statutory protections for an individual's right to access and a health care provider's right to provide contraception and related information.
HR 3305, Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act
This bill directs multi-agency efforts to improve maternal health, particularly among racial and ethnic minority groups, veterans, and other vulnerable populations.
HR 7056, Access to Family Building Act
This bill would enact a federal, statutory right to access assisted reproductive technology (ART), including in vitro fertilization (IVF).
HR 3420, My Body, My Data Act
This bill would create a new national standard to protect personal reproductive health data. By minimizing the personal reproductive health data that is collected and retained, the bill would prevent this information from being disclosed or misused.
HR 12, The Women’s Health Protection Act
Would guarantee a woman’s right to access an abortion and the right of medical providers to provide these services.
HR 17, The Paycheck Fairness Act
Would amend the Equal Pay Act of 1963 to ensure equal pay for equal work of all Americans.
HR 561, The Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act (EACH Act)
Would ensure women enrolled in government health insurance plans have coverage for abortion care.
HJ Res 25, The Equal Rights Amendment
Would enshrine women’s equality in the Constitution by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex.
HR 1723, Abortion is Healthcare Everywhere
Would repeal a prohibition on the use of U.S. foreign assistance to provide abortion services and replaces it with language that would allow the U.S. to support comprehensive reproductive health care—including abortion.
HR 549, The Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act
Would eliminate waiting periods for disability insurance and Medicare coverage for individuals with metastatic breast cancer.